Other Committees

Health club and Medical inspection

A health club is functioning in the college with Head, Department of Physical Education as convener. All students of I UG and I PG classes will be medically examined by a doctor at the beginning of the year who will submit a report to the Principal. The student shall undergo treatment and resort to such remedies as prescribed by the doctor. The failure of a student in presenting himself/herself for medical inspection at the appointed time will be reported to the University.

Hornbill Nature Club

This club is affiliated to W.W.F. India and has been functioning in the college since 1986.  Students from various disciplines with a concern for nature are enrolled as members.  The members of the club indulge in activity such as greening the campus, organizing seminars, competitions, exhibitions and nature educational programme. It is associated with the National environment awareness campaign sponsored by the Ministry of Environment and Forest, Government of India.

Academic Committee

An Academic Committee, nominated by the College Council advises the Principal in streamlining and monitoring the academic activities. In the beginning of the academic year, the committee prepares the academic plan for the whole year. Periodic preview meeting with the Department helps in monitoring the progress. The committee supervises the conduct of terminal examinations, class PTS meetings and Tutorial meetings.

Career Guidance Cell

A Career Guidance Cell is functioning in the college which provides opportunities for all students for an all-round development of his/her personality. The students graduating from N. S. S. College receive the accurate guidance and excellent placement assistance through the cell for a bright career. It also aims at developing a holistic personality in students enabling them to succeed while at the same time finding fulfillment in their personal lives. The ultimate aim is to prepare students to be responsible and responsive to the demands of the society.

I.T. and Computer club

A computer lab with a full time instructor is functioning under the IT club. The club aims on acquiring 100% computer literacy to all the students and staff of the College. Broadband Internet as well as DTP facilities are available to members at subsidized rates.

Grievance redressal cell

A senior faculty member nominated by the College Council controls the functioning of this cell. Problems like harassment and discrimination are addressed by the cell. Students can approach the cell to seek solutions for individual problems. A counseling centre also functions under the auspices of the cell.

Complaints regarding internal assessment are considered by a grievances redressal cell functioning under the Heads of Departments and selected faculty in each department. If the student is not satisfied he/she may approach the college level cell functioning under the Principal and Heads of Departments and council representatives.

Equal Opportunity Cell

The Equal Opportunity Cell is functioning in the college funded by UGC. It focuses on the upliftment of the weaker section in the Students community. Equal Opportunity Cell provides academic, personal and psychological support to the students with the help of faculty members. 

Anti ragging cell, Anti ragging Squad & Monitoring Cell.

These cells function under the strict guidelines of the Government and UGC and keep good liaison with the governmental counter parts with a view to obliterate this menance from the campus.

Women’s cell

Being a mixed college, this cell gives extra care to girl students by lending an ear to their problems. The objective of the cell is to deal with the gender issues inside the campus positively by adopting confidence building measures to help girl students to keep the status at par with the boys.

Tourism club

Tourism club functions with the objective of creating awareness about tourism activities and to incorporate the student’s strength and potential in the development of tourism in our state.

Ethics committee

The ethics committee is constituted with the objective to preserve the moral values among students and to curb the misuse of mobile phones by students in the campus. Ethics committee keeps vigil on students from indulging in nefarious activities and helps them to safeguard their moral uprightness and positive postures inside and outside campus.

Walk With a Scholar (WWS)

Under the “New Initiatives in Higher Education” of the Dept. of Collegiate Education, Govt. Of Kerala, a specialized mentoring programme called Walk with a Scholar started in this College from 2014-15 academic year. This scheme introduces the idea of mentoring to Under Graduate students and builds on the concept of mentor as a ‘Guide’ and ‘Friend’. Mentoring is a process where mentor with greater experience and wisdom guides the mentee for personal and professional development.

 Scholar Support Programme

The Directorate of Collegiate Education implemented the Scholar Support Programme (SSP) in our college for UG students during the academic year 2014-15. SSP aims at imparting personalised additional support to needy students through tutorials, study materials, additional lectures, question banks and interactive sessions. Five subjects are identified and fifty students for each subject are selected for providing additional support in each semester.

Additional Skill Acquisition Programme (ASAP)

  Govt. Of Kerala has initiated the ASAP with the objective of tackling the issue of growing unemployment in the state. The programme aims at equipping selected school/college students with skills in Communication, IT and selected areas of industry and service sectors. ASAP imparts 300 hours of skill training to selected first year students and an ASAP centre is functioning in this college.

Bhoomitrasena Club

Bhoomitrasena Club is working under the Department of Environment and Climate Change, Govt. of Kerala. The club constantly encourages and inspires college students to appreciate the balance of environment and to react positively to such issues and also give awareness among locals. The club organizes seminars, debates, invited lectures and talks on environmental issues and biodiversity conservation.

Biodiversity Club

Biodiversity Club is an initiative of Kerala State Biodiversity Board to implement programmes to conserve biodiversity in a timely manner. Biodiversity club is carrying out programmes for conservation of local biodiversity in accordance with Biodiversity Acts, in association with local Biodiversity Management Committees (BMCs)